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This is Toronto HBOT

Treating the 14 indications approved by FDA and Health Canada


M illions of individuals suffer from chronic wounds that will not heal. Often, these wounds won’t heal due to a variety of factors such as obesity, age, diet, circulatory problems, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease and smoking.

These wounds can become infected, requiring amputation in extreme cases, if not treated in a timely and effective manner.

The life of all muscles, skin, bones and organs depend on the oxygen concentration found within. Oxygen is supplied to these tissues by a person’s blood vessels. But with certain conditions, such as diabetes, prior surgery with scar tissue or radiation therapy for cancer, there is a possibility that microscopic blood circulation can be affected.

If the circulation is affected, the oxygen concentration in certain areas may be low. This greatly reduces the body’s ability to heal itself, especially if the body develops a wound.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment in which a patient breathes 100 percent oxygen inside a pressurized treatment chamber. It increases blood and tissue oxygen content.

In other words, this medical treatment “super-oxygenates” wounds, creating new microscopic blood vessel growth to approximately 85 percent of normal tissue. The new growth helps improve oxygen delivery, therefore enhancing wound healing.

During the treatment, a patient lies in a see-through, pressurized chamber while breathing 100 percent oxygen. This helps more oxygen dissolve in a patient’s blood, with the patient receiving the equivalent of 200 to 250 percent oxygen. The high-dose oxygen stimulates certain molecules, creating new microscopic blood vessel growth and faster wound healing.


C arbon monoxide poisoning is caused by exposure to a colorless, odorless gas known as carbon monoxide (CO). CO is found in combustion fumes. CO poisoning is usually caused by car or truck exhaust, wood stoves, and other fuel burning appliances, smoke from a fire or blocked fireplaces, nonelectric heaters, malfunctioning gas appliances, and faulty heating exhaust systems in the home or garage.

Known as a silent killer, CO displaces the oxygen in the bloodstream when the CO is mixed in the normal air you breathe. If a heater's combustion system malfunctions and CO seeps out of it, for example, the gas can kill people while they are asleep. CO poisoning typically occurs at home, in a garage or car, or in another enclosed space like a camper, trailer, or tent.

Everyone is at risk for CO poisoning from combustion fumes, especially during the winter when windows are closed. Some people are more susceptible than others. These include babies, pregnant women, and people with heart problems, breathing problems, or anemia.

CO binds to hemoglobin with 200 times the affinity of oxygen. CO also shifts the oxygen dissociation curve to the left (the Haldane effect), which decreases oxygen release to tissues. CO can also bind cytochrome oxidase aa3/C and myoglobin. Reperfusion injury can occur when free radicals and lipid peroxidation are produced.

The treatment of CO poisoning with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is based upon the theory that oxygen competitively displaces CO from hemoglobin. While breathing room air, this process takes about 300 minutes. While on a 100% oxygen nonrebreather mask, this time is reduced to about 90 minutes. With HBOT, the time is shortened to 32 minutes. HBOT (but not normobaric oxygen) restores cytochrome oxidase aa3/C and helps to prevent lipid peroxidation. HBOT is also used to help prevent the delayed neurologic sequelae (DNS). Treatment instituted sooner is more effective. Multiple papers describe controversial methods and conclusions about the use of HBOT for CO poisoning.

Patients with CO poisoning can present with myriad symptoms that they may not initially attribute to CO poisoning, as CO is considered the “great imitator” of other illnesses. Presentation can include flulike symptoms such as headache, visual changes, dizziness, and nausea. More serious manifestations include loss of consciousness, seizures, chest pain, ECG changes, tachycardia, and mild to severe acidosis.

Candidates for HBOT are those who present with morbidity and mortality risks that include pregnancy and cardiovascular dysfunction and those who manifest signs of serious intoxication, such as unconsciousness (no matter how long a period), neurologic signs, or severe acidosis. CO-hemoglobin (Hgb) level usually does not correlate well with symptoms or outcome; many patients with CO-Hgb levels of 25-30% are treated.

Pregnant females often have a CO level that is 10-15% lower than the fetus. Fetal Hgb not only has a higher affinity for CO but also has a left-shifted oxygen dissociation curve compared with adult hemoglobin. Exposure to CO causes an even farther leftward shift, in both adult and fetal hemoglobin, and decreased oxygen release from maternal blood to fetal blood and from fetal blood to fetal tissues. Pregnant patients with CO-Hgb levels greater than 10% should be treated with HBOT.

HBOT is administered at 2.5-3 ATA for periods of 60-100 minutes. Depending on patient presentation and response, 1-5 treatments are recommended.


D ecompression sickness (DCS) refers to symptoms caused by blocked blood supply, damage from direct mechanical effects, or later biochemical actions from suspected bubbles evolving from inert gas dissolved in blood or tissues when atmospheric pressure decreases too rapidly. DCS can occur after scuba diving, ascent with flying, or hypobaric or hyperbaric exposure.

DCS can be broken down into the following 3 types:

Associated symptoms can last from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the severity and can include:

  1. Type I involves musculoskeletal, skin, and lymphatic tissue, and often has accompanying fatigue.
  2. Type II includes neurologic systems (either CNS or peripheral), cardiorespiratory, audiovestibular, and shock.
  3. Type III DCS describes a syndrome that presents with severe symptoms of DCS as well as AGE. Some of these cases can be refractory to recompression.

The bubbles causing DCS also can injure vessel endothelium, which leads to platelet aggregation, denatured lipoproteins, and activation of leukocytes, causing capillary leaks and proinflammatory events.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used to diminish the size of the bubbles, not simply through pressure, but also by using an oxygen gradient. According to Boyle's law, the volume of the bubble becomes smaller as pressure increases. With a change in 1.8 ATA, this is only about 30%. The bubble causing DCS is thought to be composed of nitrogen. When a tissue compartment is at equilibrium and then ascends to a decreased atmospheric pressure, nitrogen seeps out of blood, tissue, or both, causing a bubble. During HBOT, the patient breathes 100% oxygen, creating oxygen-rich, nitrogen-poor blood. This creates a gradient of nitrogen between the blood and the bubble, causing nitrogen to efflux from the bubble into the bloodstream, which, in effect, makes the bubble smaller.

The treatment of choice is recompression. Although treatment as soon as possible has the greatest success, recompression is still the definitive treatment, and no exclusionary time from symptom onset has been established. DCS Type I can be treated using the US Navy Treatment Table 5: 60 fsw for two 20-min periods, with a slow decompression to 30 fsw for another 20 minutes. For DCS types I, II, and III, the US Navy Treatment Table 6 is a recommended treatment protocol. Patients are placed at 60 fsw (2.8 ATA) for at least three 20-min intervals and then are slowly decompressed to 30 fsw. They remain there for at least another 2.5 hours. The time a patient is kept at 60 or 30 fsw can be extended depending on the patient's symptom response to therapy.


M ost skin grafts and flaps in normal hosts heal well. In patients with compromised circulation, this may not be the case. Patients with diabetes or vasculopathy from another etiology and patients who have irradiated tissue are particularly subject to flap or graft compromise. In these patients, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been demonstrated to be useful. Unfortunately, if patients are not identified early, the initial flap or graft may be lost. Even in such cases, patients can significantly benefit from HBOT to prepare the wound bed for another graft or flap procedure. The procedure then has a higher chance of success following HBOT.

Over 30 animal studies have documented efficacy of HBOT in preserving both pedicled and free flaps in multiple models. These models looked at arterial, venous, and combined insults in addition to irradiated tissues. While improvement was observed regardless of the type of vascular defect, those with arterial insufficiency and radiation injury demonstrated the greatest improvement.

Human case studies documentng benefit of hyperbaric treatment for flap survival were first reported in 1966. A controlled clinical trial showing improved survival of split skin grafts followed shortly thereafter. This was corroborated by a later clinical trial. Additionally, evidence exists of benefit for flaps in post-irradiated tissue in human subjects.

As the underlying pathophysiology of all compromised grafts and flaps is hypoxia, HBOT benefits patients by reducing the oxygen deficit. A unique mechanism of action of HBOT for preserving compromised flaps is the possibility of closing arteriovenous shunts. Additionally, the same mechanisms of action that improve wound healing, namely, improved fibroblast and collagen synthesis and angiogenesis, also are likely to benefit a compromised graft or flap.

The current standard for HBOT to treat a compromised graft or flap includes twice daily treatment until the graft or flap appears viable and then once per day until completely healed. The initiation of HBOT should be expedited. In general, benefit should be seen by 20 treatments. If it is not, continuation of therapy should be reviewed. However, the cost of creating a complex flap is high, which makes HBOT cost-effective for this diagnosis. Of course, patients with compromised flaps need surgical attention to the arterial and venous supply, appropriate local management, and maximization of medical support.


A cute peripheral traumatic ischemia includes those injuries that are caused by trauma that leads to ischemia and edema; a gradient of injury exists. This category contains crush injuries as well as compartment syndrome. Crush injuries often result in poor outcome because of the body’s attempt to manage the primary injury. The body then develops more injury due to the reperfusion response. Injuries are graded using definite points on a severity scale. The commonly referenced system is the Gustilo classification, but other classification scales are available.

The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for this indication include hyperoxygenation by increasing oxygen within the plasma. HBOT also induces a reduction in blood flow that allows capillaries to resorb extra fluid,resulting in decreased edema. As a gradient of oxygenation is based on blood flow, oxygen tissue tensions can be returned, allowing for the host defenses to properly function. Animal studies suggest that a decreased neutrophil adherence to ischemic venules is observed with elevated oxygen pressures (2.5 ATA). Reperfusion injury is diminished, as HBOT generates scavengers to destroy oxygen radicals.

Compartment syndrome also is a continuum of injury that occurs when compartment pressures exceed the capillary perfusion pressures. The extent to which the injury has affected tissues is unclear, even after surgical intervention. HBOT is not recommended during the “suspected” stage of injury, when compartment syndrome is not yet present but may be impending. HBOT is beneficial during the impending stage, when objective signs are noted (pain, weakness, pain with passive stretch, tense compartment). With these signs, even if surgery is not elected because of compartment pressures or patient stability, HBOT is indicated. Once the patient has undergone fasciotomy, HBOT can be used to help decrease morbidity.

HBOT should be started as soon as is feasible, ideally within 4-6 hours from time of injury. After emergent surgical intervention, the patient should undergo HBOT at 2-2.5 ATA for 60-90 minutes. For the next 2-3 days, perform HBOT 3 times daily, then twice daily for 2-3 days, and then daily for the next 2-3 days.



hese infections may be single aerobic or anaerobic but are more often mixed infections that often occur as a result of trauma, surgical wounds, or foreign bodies, including subcutaneous and muscular injection of contaminated street drugs. They are often seen in compromised hosts who have diabetes or a vasculopathy of another type. These infections are named based on their clinical presentation and include Necrotizing Fasciitis , Clostridial and nonclostridial myonecrosis , and Fournier Gangrene

Regardless of the depth of the tissue invasion, these infections have similar pathophysiology that includes local tissue hypoxia, which is exacerbated by a secondary occlusive endarteritis. Intravascular sequestration of leukocytes is common in these types of infections, mediated by toxins from specific organisms. Clostridial theta toxin appears to be one such mediator. All of these factors together foster an environment for facultative organisms to continue to consume remaining oxygen, and this promotes growth of anaerobes.

The cornerstones of therapy are wide surgical debridement and aggressive antibiotic therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used adjunctively with these measures, as it offers several mechanisms of action to control theinfection and reduce tissue loss. First, HBOT is toxic to anaerobic bacteria. Next, HBOT improves polymorphonuclear function and bacterial clearance. Based on results of work related to CO poisoning, HBOT may decrease neutrophil adherence based on inhibition of beta-2 integrin function. Further investigation is needed to see if this mechanism is at work in necrotizing infections as well. In the case of clostridial myonecrosis, HBOT can stop the production of the alpha toxin. Finally, limited evidence indicates that HBOT may facilitate antibiotic penetration or action in several classes of antibiotics, including aminoglycosides,cephalosporins, sulfonamides and amphotericin.

Multiple clinical studies suggest that HBOT is efficacious in the treatment of necrotizing soft tissue infections. These include case series, retrospective and prospective studies, and non-randomized clinical trials. They suggest significant reductions in mortality and morbidity. The reduction in mortality was remarkably similar in two studies: 34% (untreated) vs. 11.9% (treated) in one study;[68] 38% (untreated) vs. 12.5% (treated) in the other. In another study, the treated group had more patients with diabetes and more patients in shock and still had significantly less mortality (23%) than the untreated group (66%). Clinical studies involving patients with Fournier gangrene treated with HBOT bear similar results.

Initial HBOT is aggressively performed at least twice per day in coordination with surgical debridement. Typically, a treatment pressure ranging from 2.0-2.5 ATA is adequate. However, in the specific case of clostridial myonecrosis, 3 ATA is often used to ensure adequate tissue oxygen tensions to stop alpha toxin production. For the same reason, HBOT should be initiated as quickly as possible in this circumstance and performed 3 times in the first 24 h if at all feasible.

Intracranial Abscess

T he disorders considered in treatment of intracranial abscesses (ICA) include subdural and epidural empyema as well as cerebral abscess. Studies from around the world have reviewed mortality from ICA with a resulting mortality of about 20%. HBOT has multiple mechanisms that make it useful as an adjunctive therapy for ICA.

HBOT induces high oxygen tensions in tissue, which helps to prevent anaerobic bacterial growth, including organisms commonly found in ICA. HBOT can also help reduce increased intracranial pressure (ICP) and its effects are proposed to be more pronounced with perifocal brain swelling. As discussed earlier, HBOT can enhance host immune systems and the treatment of osteomyelitis. Candidates for adjunctive HBOT are patients who have multiple abscesses, who have an abscess that is in a deep or dominant location, whose immune systems are compromised, in whom surgery is contraindicated, who are poor candidates for surgery, and who exhibit inadequate response despite standard surgical and antibiotic treatment.

HBOT is administered at 2.0-2.5 ATA for 60-90 minutes per treatment. HBOT may be 1-2 sessions per day.



adiation therapy causes acute, subacute, and delayed injuries. Acute and subacute injuries are generally self-limited. However, delayed injuries are often much more difficult to treat and may appear anywhere from 6 months to years after treatment. They generally are seen after a minimum dose of 6000 cGy. While uncommon, these injuries can cause devastating chronic debilitation to patients. Notably, they can be quiescent until an invasive procedure is performed in the radiation field. Injuries are generally divided into soft tissue versus hard tissue injury Osteoradionecrosis (ORN).

While the exact mechanism of delayed radiation injury is still being elucidated, the generally accepted explanation is that an obliterative endarteritis and tissue hypoxia lead to secondary fibrosis. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) was first used to treat ORN of the mandible. Based on the foundational clinical research of Marx, multiple subsequent studies supported its use. The success of HBOT in treating ORN then led to its use in soft tissue radionecrosis as well.


M arx demonstrated conclusively that ORN is primarily an avascular aseptic necrosis rather than the result of infection. He developed a staging system for classifying and planning treatment, which is largely accepted throughout the oromaxillofacial surgery community.

  • Exposed alveolar bone: The patient receives 30 HBOT treatments and then is reassessed for bone exposure, granulation, and resorption of nonviable bone. If response is favorable, an additional 10 treatments may be considered.

  • A patient who formerly was Stage I with incomplete response or failure to respond: Perform transoral sequestrectomy with primary wound closure followed by an additional 10 treatments.

  • A patient who fails stage II or has an orocutaneous fistula, pathologic fracture, or resorption to the inferior border of the mandible: The patient receives 30 treatments, transcutaneous mandibular resection, wound closure, and mandibular fixation, followed by an additional 10 postoperative treatments.

  • Mandibular reconstruction 10 weeks after successful resolution of mandibular ORN: The patient receives 10 additional postoperative HBOT treatments.

The cornerstone of therapy is to begin and complete (if possible) HBOT prior to any surgical intervention and then to resume HBOT as soon as possible after surgery. Only in this way is adequate time allowed for angiogenesis to support postoperative healing. For patients with a history of significant radiation exposure, but no exposed bone, who require oral surgery, many practitioners suggest 20 HBOT treatments prior to surgery and 10 treatments immediately following surgery. Feldmeier has published an excellent review of this literature.

HBOT is administered at 2.0-2.5 ATA for 60-90 minutes per treatment. HBOT may be 1-2 sessions per day.


W hile soft tissue radionecrosis also is rare, it causes significant morbidity, depending on the site of injury. All of these injuries lead to significant local pain. Both Radiation Cystitis. and radiation proctitis can result in severe blood loss with symptomatic anemia. Radiation cystitis may also cause obstructive uropathy secondary to fibrosis and blood clot formation. Radionecrosis of the neck and larynx can lead to dysphagia and respiratory obstruction. Irradiated skin develops painful, necrotic wounds that do not heal with standard wound healing care plans.

For each of these subpopulations of soft tissue radionecrosis, published case series and prospective, nonrandomized clinical trials corroborate one another, providing a degree of external validity. Larger studies are warranted. A national registry is currently being evaluated, from which more powerful conclusions may be forthcoming. Currently, the largest group of reported patients treated with HBOT for soft tissue radionecrosis are those with radiation cystitis. At least 15 publications, representing almost 200 patients, report a combined success rate in the 80% range. The two largest studies were published by Bevers and Chong.


P ractitioners and patients are often concerned that HBOT may foster recurrence of malignancy or promote the growth of an existing tumor. This is largely because of the known angiogenic effective of HBOT. Feldmeier has reviewed this subject extensively. Malignant angiogenesis appears to follow a different pathway than angiogenesis related to wound healing. His review of the literature suggests that the risk is low.


R efractory osteomyelitis is defined as acute or chronic osteomyelitis that is not cured after appropriate interventions. More often than not, refractory osteomyelitis is seen in patients whose systems are compromised. This condition often results in nonhealing wounds, sinus tracts, and, in the worst case, more aggressive infections that require amputation.

Mader and Niinikoski showed that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is capable of elevating oxygen tension in infected bone to normal or above normal levels. Since polymorphonuclear (PMN) function requires adequate oxygen concentration, this is a significant mechanism by which HBOT helps to control osteomyelitis, as demonstrated by Mader in the same study

A unique mechanism by which HBOT is beneficial in osteomyelitis is in promoting osteoclast function. The resorption of necrotic bone by osteoclasts is oxygen-dependent. This has best been demonstrated in animal models of osteomyelitis.

Additionally, as previously mentioned, HBOT facilitates the penetration or function of antibiotic drugs. Other properties of HBOT previously discussed, such as neovascularization and blunting the inflammatory response, likely provide additional benefit.

Convincing animal evidence supports the use of HBOT in the treatment of osteomyelitis. Clinical studies are somewhat problematic, however, because osteomyelitis has so many different presentations that comparisons become difficult. This is compounded by the small study sizes found in the literature. However, these observations do suggest benefit of HBOT for refractory osteomyelitis in humans.

One specific subset of osteomyelitis that merits special attention is malignant otitis externa. This progressive pseudomonal osteomyelitis of the ear canal can spread to the skull base and become fatal. Davis et al published a study of 17 patients with malignant otitis externa, all of whom demonstrated dramatic improvement with the addition of HBOT to standard surgical debridement and antibiotic therapy.


T hermal burns present a multifactorial tissue injury that culminates in a marked inflammatory response with vascular derangement from activated platelets and white cell adhesion with resultant edema, hypoxia, and vulnerability to severe infection. Poor white cell function caused by the local environment exacerbates this problem. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) addresses each of these pathophysiological derangements, and can, therefore, make a significant difference in patient outcomes. These mechanisms of action have been discussed above.

Multiple animal studies support the utility of HBOT for treatment of thermal burns. Human studies ranging from case series to randomized clinical trials have supported the potential benefit of HBOT in burn treatment. These include a small randomized study by Hart that demonstrated improved healing and decreased mortality. Niezgoda showed increased healing in a standardized human burn model. In a series of publications, Cianci suggests significant reduction in length of hospital stay, need for surgery, and cost.

Because of the goals of therapy, HBOT is begun as soon as possible after injury, with a goal of three treatments within the first 24 hours and then twice daily. Length of treatment depends on the clinical impairment of the patient and the extent of and response to grafting. Special attention must be given to fluid management and chamber and patient temperature to avoid undue physiologic stress to the patient as well as potential complications of treatment (ie, oxygen toxicity).


P atients who develop exceptional anemia have lost significant oxygen carrying capacity in the blood. These patients become candidates for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) when they are unable to receive blood products because of religious or medical reasons. The major oxygen carrier in human blood is hemoglobin, transporting 1.34 mL of oxygen per gram. Borema performed an experiment in the 1960s in which exsanguinated pigs (who had only plasma in their vasculature) were able to sustain life under hyperbaric conditions.

The body generally uses 5-6 vol% (mL of O2 per 100 mL of blood); under 3 ATA, 6 vol% of molecular oxygen can be dissolved into the plasma. The CNS and cardiovascular systems are the two most oxygen-sensitive systems in the human body. Oxygen debt is one way of determining a patient’s need to start or continue HBOT. A cumulative oxygen debt is the time integral of the volume of oxygen consumption (VO2) measured during and after shock insult minus the baseline VO2 required during the same time interval. Patients who have a debt >33 L/m2 do not survive, whereas patients with debts ≤9 usually recover.

HBOT is administered at 2-3 ATA for periods of up to four hours per treatment. As many as 3-4 sessions a day may be necessary, depending on a patient’s clinical picture. Treatments should continue until the patient can receive blood products, no longer demonstrates end stage organ failure, or no longer has a calculated oxygen debt.


S udden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) is a relatively rare cause of sensorineural hearing loss of at least 30 dB in three contiguous frequencies over three days. An associated common complaint in 90% of patients is tinnitus, usually unilateral. Patients can also present with a sensation of fullness or a blocked ear or vertigo.

SSHL has many causes, but idiopathic SSHL still predominates. Numerous etiologies have been proposed with about as many treatments. SSHL is thought to be related to inner ear hypoxia because the cochlea requires a high O2 supply. HBOT increases the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) in the inner ear. A Cochrane Review concluded a significant mean improvement in patients treated with HBOT

Candidates for HBOT demonstrate significant SSHL within 14 days of onset. The patient should undergo evaluation that includes audiology and imaging studies. If no contraindications are noted, oral steroids are also recommended. HBOT should ensue at 1.5-2.5 ATA for 90 minutes daily for 15-20 treatments.


T he term "intracranial abscess” (ICA) includes the following disorders: cerebral abscess, subdural empyema and epidural empyema. These disorders share many diagnostic and therapeutic similarities and, frequently, very similar etiologies.

An intracranial abscess is an accumulation of pus and other matter within the skull. Depending on the location of the abscess and the severity of inflammation and swelling, pressure against the brain may cause mild or severe neurologic symptoms, coma, or death. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to survival.

Infections of the brain and skull may be caused by a number of different bacteria, in a single strain or mixed, originating within the body, in dental or sinus infections, in chronic or traumatic wounds, or from foreign matter. Viruses, fungi, parasites, protozoa, and other microbial organisms may also cause intracranial abscess. Children with congenital heart disease and people with compromised immune systems due to chronic disease, cancer therapy, HIV, AIDS, and immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation face higher risk.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used as an adjunct to surgery and antibiotic therapy for intracranial abscess. The bacteria involved in brain abscess are mainly anaerobic, meaning they thrive in low-oxygen environments. HBOT inhibits anaerobic and some other bacteria from replicating, spreading, and releasing damaging toxins. Hyperbaric oxygen may also help reduce brain swelling, boost the effect of antibiotics, and enhance the body’s natural defenses against bacteria and other microbial organisms.

Hyperbaric oxygen may be especially useful for multiple abscesses in deep or dominant locations, in patients with immune compromise, and when the infection does not respond well to traditional surgery and antibiotics. UHMS guidelines recommend daily or twice-daily treatment of 60-90 minutes at 2.0 to 2.5 atmospheres of absolute pressure (ATA).

Brain abscesses are deadly serious but much less fatal (10%-30%) since the advent of computed tomography (CT) imaging devices, CT-guided surgical techniques (needle aspiration), and improved microbiology testing and antibiotic regimens. Like osteomyelitis and necrotizing infections, brain abscesses involve some rather frightening germs. As antibiotics and other traditional weapons against these worrisome microscopic invaders begin to weaken, HBOT provides a vital backstop. The mechanisms at work here also greatly interest researchers investigating hyperbaric oxygen for traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Read the page Intracranial Abscess in the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society resource library to learn more about intracranial abscess, the rationale for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and key clinical evidence, outcomes, and success factors.

 Clostridial Myositis and Myonecrosis (Gas Gangrene)

G as gangrene, also called clostridial myositis or myonecrosis, is a severe and rapidly spreading infection of muscle and other soft tissue. The bacteria that cause gas gangrene, of the species clostridium, most commonly Clostridium perfringens, produce liquid and gaseous poisons (toxins) that inflame (myositis) or kill (myonecrosis) healthy tissue. The advancing infection can threaten life and limb in mere hours.

Flesh-eating clostridium and other bacteria may originate in the gut, contaminated food, surgical incisions, community and healthcare environments, or soil embedded in traumatic wounds and bone fractures. The microorganisms surround themselves with toxins (alpha- or α-toxins) that interfere with the body’s natural immune response. Stopping toxin production as soon as possible is essential to prevent tissue loss, amputation, shock, and death.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, combined with antibiotics and surgical removal of dead tissue, is an effective treatment for gas gangrene. Clostridia are anaerobic, meaning they thrive in low-oxygen environments. HBOT stops toxin production and inhibits bacteria from replicating and spreading. Hyperbaric oxygen may also boost the effect of antibiotics, enhance the body’s natural defenses against bacteria, and help resolve or delay the onset of sepsis, a deadly blood poisoning.

Read the Clostridial Myositis and Myonecrosis (Gas Gangrene) page in the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society resource library to learn more about gas gangrene, the rationale for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and key clinical evidence, outcomes, and success factors.


A n embolism is a moving obstruction in the bloodstream. An air or gas bubble can obstruct blood flow and damage the brain, the heart, or other vital organs and tissues, resulting in pain or death. Permanent disabilities may include vision impairment, paralysis, and respiratory problems.

Gas bubbles in veins travel to the heart and then to the lungs. If the bubbles are small, such as those introduced inadvertently through intraveneous fluid lines, they are usualy stopped at the lungs and rarely produce symptoms. Larger gas bubbles in veins can lodge in the heart, lungs, or brain and cause damage.

Arterial  gas embolisms (AGE) can be much more damaging because they can directly obstruct the flow of blood to body tissue. Even small arterial gas obstructions can cause death by stopping the flow of blood to the heart, brain, and lungs.

Gas bubbles in veins travel to the heart and then to the lungs. If the bubbles are small, such as those introduced inadvertently through intraveneous fluid lines, they are usualy stopped at the lungs and rarely produce symptoms. Larger gas bubbles in veins can lodge in the heart, lungs, or brain and cause damage.

Gas bubbles in veins travel to the heart and then to the lungs. If the bubbles are small, such as those introduced inadvertently through intraveneous fluid lines, they are usualy stopped at the lungs and rarely produce symptoms. Larger gas bubbles in veins can lodge in the heart, lungs, or brain and cause damage.

Gas bubbles in veins travel to the heart and then to the lungs. If the bubbles are small, such as those introduced inadvertently through intraveneous fluid lines, they are usualy stopped at the lungs and rarely produce symptoms. Larger gas bubbles in veins can lodge in the heart, lungs, or brain and cause damage.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

A Brief Summary

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment which enhances the body's
natural healing processes by inhalation of 100% medical grade oxygen in a total body chamber,
where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. it is used for a wide variety
of treatments usually as part of an overall medcial care plan.
Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported throughout the body only by red blood cells. With HBOT, oxygen is
Dissolved into all of the body's fluids, the plasma, the central nervous system fluids, the lympH, and the bone and can be
carried to areas where circulation is diminished or blocked. In this way, extra oxygen can reach all of the damaged
tissues and the body can support its own healing process. THe increased oxygen greatly enhances the ability of white
blood cells to kill bacteria, reduces swelling and allows new blood vessels to grow more rapidly
it is a simple, non-invasive treatment.
  • Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other

    - Joseph Addison -
  • The greatest wealth is health

    - Virgil -
  • Health is a relationship between you and your body.

    - Terri Guillemets -

Why Toronto HBOT?

Ontario's Premier Hyperbaric Facility

  • Qualified experienced staff including an Orthomolecular Nutritionist and Diagnostician (MD)
  • 6 state-of-the-art, air-break equipped, mono-place chambers monitored by 2 dedicated hyperbaric technicians
  • Clean, spacious, family friendly centre including a full kitchen, quiet room, and TV lounge with childrens' toys
  • VOC (volatile organic compound) free centre including no perfumes, harmful chemicals etc.
  • All chamber bedding (organic) and patient scrubs made from 100% cotton material, washed on-site using hypoallergenic, scent-free soap
  • Great drinking water - Remineralized Reverse Osmosis Water
  • Wheelchair accessible washrooms
  • Efficient patient intake
  • On-time chamber bookings, we value time as an irreplacable commodity
  • Free WiFi throughout the centre
  • Free Parking out front
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  • Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other

  • The greatest wealth is health

  • Health is a relationship between you and your body.

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136B Cartwright Avenue Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6A 1V2